Bestow raspberry smoothie parfait
Smoothies are a great way of getting a whole bunch of superfoods in one delicious drink.
This smoothie contains raspberries, high in vitamin C and anti-oxidants which help fight ageing and slow cancer by sopping up free radicals. In fact you may be surprised to know that raspberries contain over 10 times the amount of antioxidants as tomatoes and are equal to blueberries in their antioxidant power.
Like most berries, raspberries contain nutrients called anthocyanins that are responsible for their deep red colour and help stabilize your collagen fibres, preventing them being broken down easily.
Raspberries also contain high levels of ellagitannins. The work of Dr Nixon has shown that these plant nutrients prevent the development of cancer cells. He believes that low concentrations of ellagitannins slow cancer cell growth and at higher concentrations, they tell the cancer cells to kill themselves. He suggests we should be consuming a cup of raspberries a day so this smoothie is a great start.
Serves 2
1 cup frozen raspberries
1 cup coconut water
2 bananas
1 dessertspoon of Bestow Be Cleansed
1 dessertspoon of Bestow Beauty Oil
1 dessertspoon of Maca powder
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
2 tablespoons of natural or greek yoghurt
Coconut thread
Slivered almonds
Frozen raspberries
Diced dates
Cacao nibs
Place a few of the frozen raspberries in each of your high ball parfait glasses, add a little boiling water and mush them with a spoon – this creates the bottom layer.
Blend all the smoothie ingredients together and pour into the parfait glasses (it should be quite thick).
Add your topping ingredients.